
Tips for booking a flight

It sometimes happened that every holiday, hotel or flight booking was done through a travel agency or by phone, directly to the hotel or by the airline itself. Today, the classic booking of a trip is different. They have been…

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Palawan Hotels

Palawan Hotels

Palawan History may be traced back 22,000 years ago, as confirmed by the discovery of bone fragments of the Tabon Man in the municipality of Quezon. Although the origin of the cave dwellers is not yet established, anthropologists believe they…

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Iloilo Hotels

Iloilo Hotels

Iloilo People from Iloilo are called Ilonggos. There are two local languages spoken in the province: Hiligaynon sometimes called Ilonggo, and Kinaray-a.

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Cebu Hotels

Cebu Hotels

Cebu (Cebuano: Sugbo, Spanish: CebĂș), is one of the provinces of the Philippines. It is located to the east of Negros island; to the west of Leyte, and Bohol islands. It is located on both sides by the straits of…

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Boracay Hotels

Boracay Hotels

Boracay was originally home to the Ati tribe. Boracay is part of Aklan Province, which became an independent province on April 25, 1956. Formerly undiscovered, it wasn’t till the 1970s that tourism began to develop in Boracay, and the island…

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Bohol Hotels

Bohol Hotels

Bohol is an island province of the Philippines located in the Central Visayas region, consisting of Bohol Island and 75 minor surrounding islands. Its capital is Tagbilaran City. With a land area of 4,117.3 square kilometers (1,589.7 sq mi) and…

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Bacolod Hotels

Bacolod Hotels

Bacolod City is the capital and largest highly urbanized mid-size Philippine city of the province of Negros Occidental. Having a total of 499,497 inhabitants as of August 1, 2007, it is the most populous city in the Western Visayas Region.[2]…

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