It sometimes happened that every holiday, hotel or flight booking was done through a travel agency or by phone, directly to the hotel or by the airline itself.
Today, the classic booking of a trip is different. They have been a real asset to the travel market for years, and it seems like they are growing even more: online platforms that allow the customer to book a flight, a hotel or a trip. And with the ability to check prices and offers directly on the Internet and compare, a new era for bargain hunters.
But the Internet and the associated flow of offers and opportunities can also be a trap. Because never before has the travel market been so confusing, flooded by as many providers and populated by as many experts as nowadays. It was definitely easier to get to the local travel agency and find the right flight and hotel year after year from the travel agency owner.
And yet, it should be noted that the media and content available today, in addition to confusion, also bring a new freedom and a much broader competition. Prices being, since tour operators have meanwhile started their own competition on the Internet and that television with normal travel agencies has started, have fallen sharply. And the ability to compare prices can actually lead to the fact that you can book tickets much cheaper, as if you could only be advised by the travel agency.
The only important question is: how do you make sure you take the flight you want with the cheapest tickets possible?